December 2023
Prode Properties 1.28.41 (maintenance release)

June 2023
Prode Process Interface 1.6, Prode thermodynamic server supporting both MODBUS and OPC

September 2022
Prode Properties 1.28.1 (maintenance release)

January 2022
Prode Properties 1.28 thermodynamic library for fluid properties, phase equilibria, process simulation

June 2021
Prode Process Interface 1.5, Prode thermodynamic server supporting both MODBUS and OPC protocols

March 2020
Prode SIMulator 1.2

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Prode : fluid Properties, phase equilibria software, process simulation

Prode combines knowledge of process engineering and software technology to provide a range of competitive software products available in form of code libraries, standard and custom applications for Windows, Linux, Android ...

With 30 years of successful installations our codes have been extensively tested in many areas and applications ...

Prode Properties
Prode Properties, available in different versions for Windows, Linux and Android is our reference library for fluid properties, multiphase equilibrium and process simulation. Originally released in 1993 and continuously evaluated and improved Prode Properties can be installed locally (on computers / tablets / smartphones) or servers (cloud applications)

Server-side ( cloud ) examples
Prode Properties installed on a Linux server allows to calcolate fluid properties and solve unit operations without installing any software on your computers, tablets or smartphones... test yourself these free examples (many others available on request)

OnLine Phase Envelope

Local, desktop application examples, the same, consistent, results with Excel, OpenOffice, Mathcad, Matlab, Python, LibreOffice...

Prode Properties allows to calculate the properties of pure fluids and mixtures (gas, vapor, liquid, solid states) with rigorous models, these properties include density, viscosity, thermal conductivity, heat capacity (cp , cv), speed of sound, Joule Thomson, isothermal compressibility, critical points, cricondentherm, cricondenbar, cloud points...
Prode Properties allows to solve distillation columns, phase equilibrium separations, print phase envelopes, calculate hydrate formation curves, asphaltene / wax / hydrate multiphase equilibria, phase diagrams, calculate dew points, bubble points, points at specified phase fraction, regress measured VLE / LLE / SLE data points for finding the best fitting parameters (BIP), calculate heating / cooling curves, hydrate phase equilibria with inhibitors, calculate safety valves (with rigorous homogeneous equilibrium HEM and non-equilibrium models), simulate compressors (polytropic solution with phase equilibria for gas and gas + liquid flow), pipelines (with multiphase flow and heat transfer)...
more about Prode Properties

Prode SIMulator
Prode SIMulator adds a graphical interface to our Prode Properties thermodynamic library, the result is an easy to use but powerful system for process simulation, optimization etc.

Prode Process Interface
Available in different versions since 1995 Prode interface works as a bridge between the world of industrial applications and the specialized software required for calculating thermodynamic properties. Many applications need access to rigorous thermodynamic calculations and Prode interface (in union with our thermodynamic library, Prode Properties) allows this at effective cost and in a very simple way. Prode Interface includes a OPC server, a OPC client and a MODBUS device, the interface can receive data from inline instruments as Gas Chromatographs or from DCS systems and returns in realtime a series of calculated values, the standard version exports more than 30 different properties including hydrate formation temperature (and pressure), CricondenBar temperature (and pressure), CricondenTherm temperature (and pressure), dew points, speed of sound, Joule Thomson, density, critical temperature (and pressure) ... custom versions are available for expanding the list of properties...
more about Prode Industrial Process Interface

Prode HED
Prode HED provides a simple and effective way for the thermal design and rating of shell and tube heat exchangers, Prode HED analyses all the common heat exchangers processes...
more about Prode Heat Exchanger Design