Frequently Asked Questions
Prode thermoPhysical Properties Generator

What Prode thermoPhysical Properties generator does ?

PPP provides a thermodynamic framework for calculating thermophysical properties (equilibrium, transport etc.) of pure components and mixtures. Entirely written in C++ language (and part of a set of classes for thermodynamic calc's) it is available in form of DLL for direct access from electronic sheets, user-defined programs etc.

What a DLL is ?

A dynamic-link library (DLL) is a binary file that acts as a shared library of functions that can be used simultaneously by multiple applications. A DLL integrates with spreadsheets (Microsoft EXCEL, LOTUS 1-2-3 etc.) , user defined programs (Visual-Basic, C, C++ etc.) providing additional methods (functions) , extending features etc. Being a compiled code it runs very fast so providing an effective mean to extend application's features.

How do I include this tool in software I am distributing ?

There is a developer licence for this, ask Prode for details.

What data and structures does this framework include ?

Prode Physical Properties generator (base version) includes a compilation with physical properties data and a set of procedures for calculating properties of pure components and mixtures.

How many components can a stream include ?

PPP supports up to 1000 streams, each stream may include from 1 (pure) up to 500 comp's , a stream with a large number of components requires a somewhat large time to solve.

How do I define the thermodynamic models ?

Each stream has its own thermodynamic model for equilibrium, enthalpy, entropy calc's, this permits a great flexibility being the model directly associated to the stream composition.

How do I reference a stream ?

Stream are referenced by a numeric code (a integer) in calling functions, a typical call is :

Properties Generator provides a comprehensive collection of procedures for calculating thermodynamic and transport properties. Prode thermoPhysical Properties generator solves problems as :

How it works

The core of Prode thermoPhysical Properties Generator is a library (Microsoft Windows Dynamic Link Library also called DLL) which links directly with Microsoft Windows applications as :

Example of PPP integrated with Microsoft Excel application for providing thermophysical properties data directly into Excel's cells

With Prode thermoPhysical Properties generator you will be able to create procedures for solving a quantity of problems and extend your existing applications by including a comprehensive property generator.

The advantages

Prode Properties

Prode Properties is a Microsoft Windows application included in Prode thermoPhysical Properties Generator. Prode Properties creates graphical and tabular views of properties of pure fluids and mixtures which can be printed or exported into different Microsoft Windows applications via copy and paste clipboard. These graphs and tables can be included in reports, specifications etc.


Technical features overview


Prode thermoPhysical Properties Generator is distributed via Internet, to download a copy select Downloads from the site menu on the left window, then choose Prode thermoPhysical Properties Generator.
Once installed the program starts in evaluation mode, to licence the full version you must contact Prode and obtain the authorization codes.

Detailed documentation on PPP is available, select Documents from the site menu on the left window, then choose Prode thermoPhysical Properties generator.

There are different versions of Prode thermoPhysical Properties Generator available :